Few questions about Mac Classic


I completed the OS X version of my software (written in C++) and I want to have a Mac Classic version as well (Non-carbonized for technical reasons).

for my main function

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

1. The first argument is argv[0] = "MyProgramFile", and it is not the full path. How do I retreive the current path using the "Macintosh Toolbox" functions?

2. Is the path delimiter for OS 9 (and earlier) the ':' character, unlike the '/' character in OS X ?

Any assistance that you can provide will be of great help,

p.s. I am aware that "Steve" declared OS 9 dead. However, I have many users who still deman a OS 9 version.
Really, don't bother. MacWorld is coming up and 10.2 is expected to release between then and August 20th, so OS 9 users are 89% sure to all transfer into OS X now. Just the way I see things.
I have made the program so it is very, very portable. With a few low level changes, it will work on any OS. It is currently running on Win32 and Mac OS X.

It is still worth me doing an OS 9 version, especially since many people with slower iMacs will be able to run the program much faster (it is an OpenGL app, and OS X doesn't support OpenGL acceleration for the ATI Rage chipset).

In principle, the conversion may take me a few days to do.

So, if anyone can answer my questions, I would be very appreciative :)