File clean up and osx tools??


I have this external drive that is just jam packed with files from past fallen computers heh.

Was wondering if anyone knows of a good freeware program which i can run on the drive to detect doubles of files and help me delete them? Possibly even help me organize the files?

Also are there any good utlities for speeding up OSX? I've noticed ever since i reformatted my G5 it has been slowing down when loading webpages with images, or if i too clickly move the scroller it'll pause for a few seconds. It never used to have these sort of glitches and now safari is starting to freeze up here and there. What can i do to remedy this?

I also have alias folders on my desktop which link to a seperate harddrive for audio files. When i double click it usually takes a while to spin the harddrive and have the folder open. Anyway i can speed this up on my G5?

Thanks for the help guys. Just trying to get my system in tip top condition.