Filenames on external drive


Hi all,

I've an external drive who i used between my mac and a pc, so because of that its on FAT32, the problem its that while i'm looking the filenames and directories on my pc i saw everything on regular text (no caps), but while i'm on my mac, i'm seeing some filenames or directories on ALL CAPS, that obviously affects the way my websites works.

Any ideas on how to fix this? and Why this its happening?

Thanks in advance for your time and patience

To quote the microsoft tech, that isn't a bug -- it's a feature.

You're seeing the peecee's Joliet file system. There is the real DOS directory
with 8-char names and 3-char extensions in all caps. Then there is the "alias"
directory with long names in mixed case that points to the real directory
entries. OSX doesn't do Joliet well, so you see the "real" file names.

If your Mac can boot into OS9, you can get/use "Joliet Volume Access" from
wow thanks Al,

One more thing to hate M$, i just need to get done my migration to use just macs and linux on my network.... what a great feature i just found thank to you :p

Thanks for your help and patience ;) I really enjoying working with my Mac
