. files visible/invisible in Finder


Many eons ago somone (simX?) posted a command line way of making invisible. files show up in the Finder.

At the time that seemed like a good idea, but now I'm gettting quite tired of these things and I can't figure out how to turn them off... (I did this way back in 10.0.x, and the change has survived all of the updates to 10.2.2...)

I can't even begin to think of an "apropos" search to do... Anyone on have any ideas on how to undo this?

There are three ways to hide Folders or Files

1. a point in front of the name
2. name listed in the hidden file (path: /.hidden)
3. named as hiddden in the file/folder header
this can be donne with the SetFile tool (Installed with the Dev tools)