Final Cut Pro 4.1.1 Woes


Mac Enthusiast
I have this really weird problem with Final Cut Pro 4 sometimes, like it'll work fine sometimes, and sometimes it won't. And the stupidest things make the program crash. Sometimes the keyboard won't work (eg. B for razor), but forces me to click the button for razor; other times using a command key such as Apple-R to render or any other command key combination will just cause the program to crash. I've tried trashing preferences and repairing permissions, nothing. Any suggestions?
The best course of course, would be to completly, and that means everything to do with Final Cut, be wiped away with a nice clean install. I did that and I had no problems after the fact and everything is humming along just fine. If you have put in 3rd party plug ins, they too may be at fault. Try the clean install with just the basics. Good luck!!
This has been a subtle but annoying thing for me: make sure you have the correct keyboard set for your computer. I have Hebrew and Arabic keyboard sets active along with US English, and if the wrong one gets selected I either can't type correctly or I start typing in Arabic or something. Just something to keep an eye out for.