finder crashing


when trying to access an ftp-server trough finder, it just stops responding, and i have to (force-)quit the finder. next time same issue, and no connection to server..

i type in mye adress in safari, and it switches to finder(as normal..) but it takes longer time than normal. it prompts my password, but as i give my password, press enter, the app just goes beachball..

whats wrong? it seems my system has been very unstable and slow since the last security update. several times i've had to force turn-off the machine, it even froze in screensaver mode, meaning i couldn't get back to my working screen..

Might just be the Finder's preferences file. You'll find it under ~/Library/Preferences/ ... Back it up and then throw it away. Afterwards, restart the Finder by either killing it or just logging out and back in.
no, didn't do the trick. now it went beachball before i even got prompted for password, and rightclicking finder-icon told me it didn't respond. i pressed quit, app quits and i suddenly get prompted to wirite user and pass.. i do, but nothing happens..

repairing permissions now btw..

looks like it was the server which was down, but still, it doesn't explain why finder would crash.. normally it would just notify me it couldn't connect to chosen sserver or what...?
