finder getting terrible mileage


After using the finder for a while: mounting images and drives, browsing through directories and such I find that it loses responsiveness, loses track of drives and programs stop loading up and/or take forever to become responsive.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem? Maybe my drives are getting too fragmented, maybe I should set aside a partition on my quick drive for swap? Does the new Jag need more than 388-ram to run reliably?
What machine are you on? Jaguar would benefit from more than 388 RAM (I got 640mb and am now considering upgrading to more ram).
I'm running 256 meg on a B&W G3 and it's running good. Although there are times when I do wish I had a little more.
I'm on a G3 450. I would, of course, like some more RAM, but 10.x<2.x always ran just fine. I had to upgrade from 96 when X came out, I suppose I don't mind terribly being forced up to 512 or so, but I'm not entirely sure that would help.
I'm on a G3 400 w/ 192 megs of RAM. RAM is a big deal when you're messing with a next-gen OS. I need more RAM myself :p Probably going to go with 384 megs or more in my iBook.

Seriously, the OS needs as much RAM as it can get, otherwise it resorts to using your HD. Considering that your HD is much slower than RAM, this slows your computer down MANYfold. I've had this experience with my old computer and my current one when running programs like Photoshop.