finder question


OS X Jaguar
under pre os X, the finder has the following limitations.

Facts about the Macintosh Finder

Maximum number of open files on your Macintosh at once: 346
Maximum number of Apple Menu Items: 50
Maximum number of applications running: No built-in limit (except how much
memory your Macintosh has)
Maximum number of volumes (disks) available at once on the desktop: 32
Maximum number of sounds, fonts, and keyboard layouts installed in the system
file: 32,767 or 16 Megabytes!
Maximum memory you can allocate a program: 999,999K
Maximum number of colors in an icon: 256, even on a Mac with 24-bit color
Maximum disk cache: 1/4 of physical Ram
Maximum number of files on a disk: 65,536
Maximum number of nested folders: 64

MY question.... what are these numbers in regards to osx finder? anyone got a url or something?

My understanding is that BSD UNIX contains only limitations imposed by the hardware; that is to say, it SCALES, something classic Macintosh, as well as every OS Micorsoft has ever made, just plain don't do.