Finder Restart when changin volume after waking from sleep on iBook


Wow. Possibly the longest subject I've ever posted.
Anyhoo - I've had this three times now ... if I try to change the volume using F4 / F5 just after waking from sleep on my iBook with Jag 2.3 loaded the Finder will restart (although I have a sneaking suspicion that its actually the WindowManager that restarts) and drags all the other apps down with it (which is why I think its the WindowManager that restarts, because this (I believe) is the parent process of all GUI apps??).
Has anyone else noticed this?
Really I'm just posting this coz I'm hoping that some Apple engineers might trawl this site and pick this up as a potential fix for 2.4 :)))



PS: My wife's just ordered herself a spanky new iMac (15") ... should arrive this week. Nice.
PPS: Hopefully this'll mean she'll let me get a new PowerBook (17" poss.) in a few months :))