Finish Wearing Off on Screen Release


1337 H4x0r
Ahh..... my PowerBook is only 1 month old and, through routine use, already the silver finish on the screen release button seems to be going. Take a look at this pic.

Anyone else notice this on their PowerBook(s)? Not a huge issue, but come on Apple. I just spent $2,500 on a computer and a few weeks later it's already starting to look rough around the edges.


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I had a Powerbook 12" 867 MHz for a few months. The finish on the button used to come off quite easily. Doesn't seem to happen this time around with my Powerbook 12" Rev B, but that's probalby because it's less than 2 months old.
hm, I've had my 17" since day 1 (about 18 months now) and the screen release button still looks like new. Course it's more recessed on the older pb's such as I have, than the current ones where it sticks out more (making easier to press). I guess that coule be a large factor.
will have to check my wife's 3+ month old 12" pb...
I think I'll go to the mall this weekend and have the Apple Store check it out. I have a feeling that I'll have better luck there. The thing is, I'm a student and it'll be hard to give up my laptop for any length of time while they fix it.