Firefox 0.9 is out


1337 H4x0r
I didn't see this posted anywhere else, so let me be the first to say that Mozilla has just released Firefox 0.9 for Windows, Linux, and OS X =)

Lots of really nice new additions and changes to Extensions, Theming, and Download management. It's also much faster than previous releases were on my iMac. Definitely check it out. In my opinion it's not quite up to Safari, but it's the closest its ever been.

The download link is here.

when i try to run it, everything goes crazy. it keeps opening up and shutting down forever. it makes for a neat animation on the dock for a bit, but i have to kill damn near everything to get it to stop.
cfleck said:
when i try to run it, everything goes crazy. it keeps opening up and shutting down forever. it makes for a neat animation on the dock for a bit, but i have to kill damn near everything to get it to stop.

Try deleting ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox. Your preferences are probably messed.
I downloaded it when it was first released, but I have also been keeping up to date with the nightlies as well.
Not impressed with it on the Mac side. Will definitely upgrade the Win2kPro machines at the office tomorrow, but all she'll be used for on the iBook is to run a quick check on pages in development.