Firefox printing bulk invoices wrong. Urgent help needed


Hi all.

I'm new here so please be gentle.

I have a headache with regards to print margins on Safari.

The brief run down is I purchased some invoice paper with an adhesive label on them. this meant I had to amend the print margins in Firefox, printing from eBay.

I did this and the margin modification worked, but when printing in bulk on firefox, every other invoice was just an address label and no invoice underneath. I thought this may have been to do with moving margins so I changed it back to default. It still did it.

I spoke to eBay and they logged into my account and they had no issues. They told me to try another computer or browser. I tried Firefox on my PC and I had the same problem.

I then used Safari on my macbook and hey presto they print an address label and invoice on every one. The problem now is that when I try and change the margins in Safari, it let's me create a new "custom size" and I change the margins. When I print though, the margins have not moved. This Safari issue seems to be an old one with no real solution so it's more the Firefox issue I need to resolve. I have over 400 invoices to print and counting so I need to sort this asap.

Any help would be really appreciated.