Firewall with Virtual PC?


I am running 10.2.8
and have Virtaul PC running XP running XP. I am setting up a website, and want to know if I log on to the host using IE 5.5 (sitebuilder compatible) will I need to have some sort of firewall software running. So far, I've tried to design my site using online hosting software, but cannot get the app to run properly in Mac OS. (I thought if I use their SiteBuilder app, I'd be able to make changes as needed without having to buy Mac software.)

I for one am confused by the question....
Do you need a firewall to build a website? Thats what i get out of what you said...
Sorry for the confusion. Iam wondering if I access the web through Internet Explorer and Virtual PC on my Mac (OSX.2.8)- will I need firewall software installed on the Virtual PC.
I guess I need to clarify that thae reason for IE (Win) is the need for compatibility with the Site Builder software (or else I'd be using my Mac's web access.)
If you want to have Windows in Virtual PC protected from hackers, spyware, viruses while you are logged onto the internet in VPC you will need a firewall, spyware detector, and anti-virus products for Windows, just as you would have if you were logged onto the internet running Windows on a real PC. Running on a virtual machine does not provide any protection to Windows.

I'm not sure I understand the problem you are trying to solve however. Virtual PC with a copy of Windows is more expensive than website development software for the Mac and if you are planning on hosting the site in Virtual PC that is a really really bad idea. VPC is way too slow even if Microsoft's promised 15% speed improvement in VPC 7 is real.
yeah, you will need those things. being a current windows guru, id like to give you some free programs.

firewall: zone alarm free edition
antivirus: avast! home
spyware: adaware se

you can find all these and more at
Perfesser: I already have VPC 6. And I am not hosting it myself, but using a hosting site.

Dan: Thanks! As business stratup costs accumulate exponentially, freeware is alsways welcome!