I recently purchased an 80GB (7200 RPM) FireWire HD (from ClubMac) for backup purposes and I'm not very happy with the rate of transfer. I get about 10MB/sec from my 18GB UltraSCSI drive (specs below) and slightly less with my OEM 12GB UltraATA drive. Is this comparable to others' performance? I remember Apple touting that FireWire was supposed to be REALLY fast. I suppose I expected a little better performance, ~15MB/sec. I know that the limiting components will be the internal hard drives and system bus. Is ~10MB/sec on par with my system specs? I'm using an Adaptec 2930 SCSI card (Build to order option from Apple) and I know it's supposed to do ~10MB/sec - ~16MB/sec transfer rates. Is the system bus the problem here?