First Greek Mac Magazine now a reality!


Simply Daemonic
Well with most of you living in lands that the mac is semi-main stream, and with at least a couple of mac-magazines and tons of ezines available you could care less, but here is some news:

A while back I went to, the web site of the now new greek mac magazine. They said they would send one free issue so I said what the heck and gave them my mailing info. Today I got the first issue and it looks superkickassfantabulitious lol (too much zoolander :p)

SO why am I so excited?
Well, a little history lesson first:
Did the mac exist in greek magazines before?
Yes, it did, but those were also the days where the main computing platforms of people were Amiga, Atari, and Amstrad computers, and the PeeCee es in DOS, or early win 3.11 mode and not used for much, and the Mac got its fair share or the lime light, since there were many platforms and no single one got more attention than the other.

After the downfall of atari and commodore (amiga's manufacturer) the PeeCee got more and more attention and the mac was activelly put on the back-back-back burner. At the "height" of PeeCeedom, almost all the magazine content was PeeCee related. last time I got a greek computer magazine, the mac secion was about 3 pages at most.

Sooooo, if people are making a mac magazine in greece what does this mean? The mac is getting more press in greece, and more people are being tuned onto it, and the magazine covers a need for information, but it creates curiocity for the general wintel user that knows not what a mac is to pick up a copy and learn.

The good news: Comes with a CD, and costs 5Û, (cheaper than your average US mac-magazine I think).
The bad news: for the US it cost $50 per year for a subscription

The magazine is a bimonthly magazine and needs writers and contributors. I think I will offer my services during the summer :)

If you speak greek or want to improve your greek check it out


Hey adam can you read that ?
I usually write it like Euxaristo (greeklish as it's widely known)

With all that has been going on these past few days I did not have a chance to actually read most of the magazine. I will read and play with the CD-ROM on the weekend ;)
Nope... get junk characters...

Maybe the admins should turn on "Greek support" in the bulletin board software ;)
hehehehe :p

How about now?


I have 2 packages installed on my work and home macs. ELOT928 (a "standard" :p) and apple's Greek Worldscript. It's freeware now, if you dont have it I can provide you with a link :) -- this way you can view greek sites :D
The magazine's presence is all good news to me.
Another country added to the list. Ding! We should start keeping count.

Along with your 10.2 Greek support rumor Admiral, the mag would make for an interesting summer vacation-job. Yes?
Well I do have a job ;)
I am full time, even summers, unless I am on vacation hehe. Contributing to the magazine would just be a hobby of mine, maybe writing an article and there. IT would make me famous :D

This weekend I need some "quiet time" to actually read the magazine. There is (what appeears to be) a nice OS X article in it :)
