First Serious Office v.X Problems?


Ok, so today i come home, turn on my iMac, click the very elegent E in my dock to check my email (in entourage) and then i get some error dialogue ...........

"An error occured while launching.
Permission denied."

PERMISION DENIED!!!! WTF is that? i cant even tell if this is a OSX thing or a office thing. then i check the otther office apps, PP and Word work, but excel says somethign about missing OFFICE FRAMEWORK X.

I Tried to reinstall it, (copy over from a drive image actually) but to no avail. This is liek serious people, and i need a quick fix; soon

Please help!!!
Just a quick addendum:
I did run Norton AntiVirus X yesterday, and it foudn and fixed a few things, didnt pay attention to what they were though, anyone think that coula done it?
  In OS X it makes a big difference who you are logged in as when you install an app. Who were you logged in as?
  Also, UNIX has a very inflexible, regimented filesystem - if you or norton moved any office files that could casue the error.
  I'd do a clean wipe of office from the CD (which should have an uninstall option on it) and reinstall, making sure you are logged on as a System Administrator.
  If that doesn't work, try affixing a shrew's skull to a willow twig and rapping (gently) it on your hard disk three times at midnight.

Bernie :o)
Yes, NAV could have screwed Office. It has a nasty habit of randomly locking files, which could be the cause of the "permission denied" message. Check Office for locked files, unlock them, and see if that cures the problem.