OK... this is a window that popped up while I was adding an Alpha to a layer in flash. Does anyone else get silly windows like this? I thought is was hilarious.
I a guessing that the Flash developers don't have to meet the strict coding guidelines that some of us work to... Namely DO178-B (Level A). That kinda stuff would never make it through our processes.
I'm only slightly serious here. I do work for a company which writes software to DO178-B Level A compliance (if you don't know what that is, it's strict safety guidelines. If you do know what that is, it's still strict safety guidelines. ). But I have friends who work for software companies that ship with messages like the "Crushing your head". It's really fun to hear their stories of panic after the software has shipped, and they realize that one of the error messages is something like "Braaaaaak! This function blows goats!"
He he. I laughed when he told me this the first time. Ohh and just so you know this message is from flash 5. I havent come across it in 6 yet but i have never seen it in flash 5 until bajno boy showed me.
He he. I laughed when he told me this the first time. Ohh and just so you know this message is from flash 5. I havent come across it in 6 yet but i have never seen it in flash 5 until bajno boy showed me.