Flash Memory Drive security


I've just bought a USB Flash Memory Drive which i will be using to carry files from my work PC (Windows XP) home to access on my new iBook (Mac OS X 10.3). It is compatible with both, and I have already successfully used it on both. But I am worried about security of the files if I lose it or it is stolen. Now i've got it home the user manual says the security application software is windows only, so if i activate that will i lose access on the mac? I'm a bit new to macs, so not sure what problems i may create for myself. is there a password or security software available that i could put on the drive itself that is compatible pc and mac? it doesn't have to be particularly strong, it is not supersensitive data, it would just be nice to have a bit of protection. I've looked at changing permissions of the folders via the iBook, but that isn't available (no drop-down choices appear) and I guess my pc would probably have a heartattack anyway. Maybe i just made the wrong choice of drive, this is a paradigit usb 2.0 128Mb with USB DiskPro 2.0 software. any advice welcomed.
What kind of files are you transfering? If they're Word docs, why not just save-as with password protection?
its a mixture, but yes a lot of word docs and excel docs and pdfs. I've basically got a whole folder (around 30 Mb) sitting on there at the moment and was hoping to protect that all in one go. but thanks for the tip, i'll try just protecting the most sensitive ones, better than nothing!!