Hey guys,
I have a Flash MX video player which plays a selection of videos via various flash buttons. I've been using the following code for the buttons and it was (and is) working fine...
title2_btn.onRelease = function()
initializeSound ();
But now the video player is filled up with video clips I have to create an archive for it, which I've created just using various tabs to create additional buttons. However, these buttons are now within an MC (items1-4_mc) and no longer on the main timeline. So I've adjusted my actionscript path to find the buttons... ie....
this.items1-4_mc.title2_btn.onRelease = function()
initializeSound ();
However, every time I test this I am getting a syntax error. The instance names etc are all correct so I'm not sure why I'm getting this syntax error - can somebody please help or advise?
Thank you in advance.
I have a Flash MX video player which plays a selection of videos via various flash buttons. I've been using the following code for the buttons and it was (and is) working fine...
title2_btn.onRelease = function()
initializeSound ();
But now the video player is filled up with video clips I have to create an archive for it, which I've created just using various tabs to create additional buttons. However, these buttons are now within an MC (items1-4_mc) and no longer on the main timeline. So I've adjusted my actionscript path to find the buttons... ie....
this.items1-4_mc.title2_btn.onRelease = function()
initializeSound ();
However, every time I test this I am getting a syntax error. The instance names etc are all correct so I'm not sure why I'm getting this syntax error - can somebody please help or advise?
Thank you in advance.