FlashMX in two weeks!


OS X Supreme Being
The Good - Macromedia today announced that FlashMX will be available for download on March 15th!

The Bad - Upgrades are $199. A bit steep.

I sure hope Dreamweaver5 (or MX) isn't too far behind....
i dunno, is $199 any more $ than a usual flash upgrade costs? i'm psyched... goodbye classic.
I believe the ugprade from 4 to 5 was $149, and the upgrade from 3 to 4 was $99...

The brass tax of the situation is Macromedia is hurting financially, and Flash probably accounts for their biggest chunk of revenues, so I understand from a business perspective where the increase is coming from. Plus, in terms of features, FlashMX does seem to be the biggest upgrade yet.

But still, at $199, I will probably have to wait a few weeks to come up with the cash, since I've already plunked down $$$ for the GoLive and Photoshop upgrades.
I will also say farewell to classic.
I am so unhappy using FLash under classic. Probably the worst performance of any app under classic in my experience. Looks like it has some nice features with the streaming video and such, and I love the idea of being able to move points and fills programatically.
Can't wait.
Thats awesome. I saw the beta version and it was unstable but had some cool new features and lots of things moved around. But the best is it's an X app. I'm so happy. Goodbye Classic!!!!!!!!!

holding out to see if Livemotion 2 offers ample enough Flash capability. I can't stand MM interfaces.

Can anyone shed any light between the two?
Originally posted by uoba
holding out to see if Livemotion 2 offers ample enough Flash capability. I can't stand MM interfaces.
Can anyone shed any light between the two?

Yes macromedia makes ugly peecee looking apps. LiveMotion 1.0 was not as "powerful" because it did not have scripting. But I think LM 2.0 will have scripting. But LiveMotion's animation timeline is a lot easier to use.
LiveMotion 2 will "only" have Flash 5 script support. While this is enough to get nearly anything done you can dream off, Flash 6 offers increadible new features, compared with the new server technology they will release in summer (Generator is discontinued) it will kick ass! It will have native database support, so you no longer have to write a PERL/ASP/PHP Wrapper for you favourite database engine, you don't have to open security holes by doing this etc. etc.

Also, the GUI of Flash MX is much more "adobe" like if you ask me. Not as intuitive as Adobe LiveMotion 1 (haven't seen 2 yet) but WAY BETTER than Flash 5
While Macromedia's interfaces have always taken a back seat when compared to Adobe's, I have to say the redesign Macromedia has done to it's new lines is a major step up. I love the new pallettes, which are similar to Painter's collapsable pallettes. Also, all of Macromedia's apps now features the Properties bar, ala Dreamweaver. This bar can handle many context sensitive tasks (fonts, keyframes, movie settings, etc.) all from one centalized pallette.

flash MX's new tools are just simply stunning. What took a ton of Actionscripting knowledge to pull of in Flash5 can now be done with reuseable widgets in MX. Makes creating Flash web applications much easier.

LiveMotion2 has some real nice features too, but scripting still isn't one of them. While it finally does have scripting, it isn't nearly as complete as FlashMX. Plus, it isn't as well documented, making learning it a bit tougher as well.

As for performance, the beta I tried a few weeks ago had pretty good performance on my G4/800DP. Don't know how well it fares on slower Macs though.
Damn, I bought Livemotion 2 yesterday... (but then again, the student version is only £50, so it don't matter)

I bet this download is beacuse of Livemotion 2. With an app that actually competes with flash, Macromedia needed that upgrade out the door ASAP. I might be being pedantic, but I bet it has bugs in it, and they'll be fixed in an update in a couple of months, which was when they were going to release the full version.

Bernie :o)
Macromedia has used ESD (Electronic Software Distribution) since 1998. This is nothing new for them. All of my Macromedia upgrades have been via download through ESD.

I really wish Adobe would adopt this. Then again, Adobe's installers tend to be much larger than Macromedia's, since they also come with megabytes of templates and examples.
I meant the early download, this is earlier than even the rumor sites were predicting, and they always get it too early usually.

Bernie :o)
Two of us here at work, a mac and a pc guy, told the boss to order Flash MX yesterday.

I can't wait.
