flicker on my iBook LCD... PLS HELP!!!???


I really really need your help.
Last night, I worked on my doc on iBook as usual and suddenly, this weird flicker thing kept coming across the screen. From that point on, I withnessed a series of problems on my iBook 700Mhz.

1. iBook sometimes wouldn't turn on. It required some luck (not much now) to turn on now.
2. Even if it's turned on, the system crashed so easily and the screen just freezed. Afterwards I saw flickers. A LOT OF THEM. Then if this happens, it's back to problem #1.

FYI, it's not the brigntness flickering. It's the image on the screen that is flickering.

OMG, I have so much data on my iBook. I realy really need your help.

Does this look like a severe hardware problem to you?
it does seem like a hardware problem. Could be several things but I think your data is safe on the harddrive. It might be the intergrated video that is going bust or possibly some circuitry that is shot. You harddrive however should be alright =/
Yup, either its the video circuitry is damaged, or the connection to the display. Either way, get it in to your dealer. It is under warranty. This is what warranties are for.
And don't worry, your data should be safe. I'd suggest making a backup though.