Floating Layer 'attached' to cursor?


Ok, good people, this is weird. I use the Netvibes portal that you can customise in a modular way. My problem is that at some point, when hovering my cursor over a news item, the triggered action has been stored somewhere in my system. In the middle of editing a Word document, or a Mail message, the dratted news story floats into view attached to my cursor like some ghostly apparition. I have quit all my browsers and reset them/cleared the caches. All to no avail: news of a train crash in Russia hoves into view once again randomly attached to the cursor. I need to clear some memory item somewhere, but any guesses where? I am running 10.4.11 on a Power PC G4. The browser was Camino. Any advice gratefully received.
Only too happy to give that a try. But the more savvy amongst you (that's all of you compared to me) could still explain to me how with Camino quit and its cache cleared this floating layer is lodged in my System like an unwanted smell!