Folders and New Mail Alerts


I'm curious if anyone has found a way around this problem:

I have a rule in Mail that transfers my mailing list subscription emails to another folder outside of my inbox.

Unfortunately, Mail only recognizes new mail when it is in your inbox. Only then will it show the red alert in your dock. Unread mail in other folders is consequently ignored.

Is there a way to force Mail to recognize unread mail in these folders as new mail, and show an appropriate alert in the dock?
Or is there another organizational setup that will let Mail show alerts for these messages?

I would appreciate any help. =)

- Dan Mauch
uh, just keep the folder in your inbox. i have one set for mail from one specific source. if you keep all your subaccounts of your inbox displayed, what difference does it make if it is in or out of it? ie - as long as you can see it individually, doesn't that work?
Mail will not let you drag mailboxes into the inbox. It also will not allow new mailboxes to be created in the Inbox either. These things I have already tried.

Note: I'm using folder and mailbox interchangeably. They are technically called mailboxes, but have blue Folder icons. To add more confusion, I am only getting my mail from one source/server.

I'm not sure what i'm looking for to solve this problem. Maybe an obscure method to show an alert. Maybe there is a way to put folders inside the inbox. I just don't know. That's why i'm asking.

- Dan Mauch
ok, i see your point. mail used to allow you to do this (drag to arrange) and i obviously set mine up as i have it while using a previous version. but it does seem like the solution is to get it back in the inbox accounts. now to figure out how to do that.