For everyone having Problems with Unreal Tournament for X


Yesterday UT for X beta3 suddenly stopped working. I started the game, it loaded fine but in the 'linking all objects' loading stage all I got was a dialoge box with 'Error Rendev in macviewport.cpp line 457'.
After searching around the the net I found a forum where this problem was discussed. Someone mentioned that deleting the unrealtournament.ini is the solution. But this step is a bit to drastic. I've highly customized my installation of UT, everything works in perfect harmony, various mods like U4e, oldschool, different single player mods ( e.g. return to nali pa), custom models. Deleting the unrealtournament.ini equals ripping out ones heart.
So I took a look in the ini file and found the source of the error.

In the [MacDrv.MacClient] section the entry 'StartupFullscreen' was set to 'True'. It must be set to 'False', 'cause UT for OSX doesn't provide windows rendering.
Does it mean, UT beta 3 should freak out if 'StartupFullscreen' is set to 'True'? Cause in my unrealtournament.ini it is set to true and it works just fine...;)
Does it mean, UT beta 3 should freak out if 'StartupFullscreen' is set to 'True'? Cause in my unrealtournament.ini it is set to true and it works just fine...

:confused: Damn you're right it was the other way 'round. I don't know why UT decided to 'switch'. It really freaked me out (UT + single player mods is my favourite game on my mac) My first thought was, that apple broke something in their latest OSX upgrade (which contained certain 'improvements' regarding openGL).

Can you all play over a local area network with Unreal or OS X? I always have reboot into 9.

Yep, online play works for me. Hosting and joining a game is no problem. I am able to connect to my PC wich usually runs the Linux or Windows version of UT.

The only problem is the framerate. Gameplay very often becomes sluggish on my ibook G3 700MHz - 384MB. Maybe one reason is that the x3 beta isn't optimized. I really hope the developers are still working on this port. But I fear we are stuck with v3 forever...
What's the other way 'round'? Is it to be true or false? Mine was true so i changed it to false. Don't have time to try it though!
i'm surprised that any developer would bother working on an OS X version of UT when UT 2k3 is out! does anyone know here if anyone is working on the 2k3 version for X?

i want it!!! :D
UT2K is developed by the same people who made the PC version. It should be released in sometime in May (I believe)...
Currently they are trying to turn down the system requiremnts. The current version can only played using graphicchips/cards with around 64MB RAM. This means that A LOT of mac useres aren't able to play the game.
am asking myself how UT2k3 would run on my new powerbook 15,2 1Ghz superdrive with 64mb ati 9000 and 768mb ram. Any benchmarks knows so far?