FORCING Location of iTunes Music files


Hi there,

Long story but let me Inigo Montoya sum up:

My backup of my Music folder is on another drive of another name.

I've taken this drive with me on the road and added music, made playlists, downloaded podcasts onto this drive.

When I get home, I duplicate the Music folder onto my MASTER drive at home. This is the drive and drive name I want to keep using for both my "on the road" and Home Master drive. So, I go through a rename of drives. When I'm on the road, I give the portable the same name as my Master drive. Thus, when I get home, I go through duplicating the portable onto the home drive and a name swap so that the Home drive goes back to its original name and the portable gets an arbitrary name.

Lomg story short, now iTunes thinks my music is on both drives (i.e. songs' file location says that a song is either on my master or my portable drive). You get the idea.

So, is there a way to rewrite the Location field for each song so that the field gets the MASTER drive's location?