Forum changing direction?

Matrix Agent

Masochist Mascot
Take a Look at this

As of 10 AM EST on 7/8:

There are 4726 posts running in 986 threads in the "MacOSX: General Discussion" forum

There are 3068 posts running in 922 threads in the "MacOSX: Report Problems" forum

These forums are a lot closer in size than I ever remember....
What do you guys (and gal, as far as I know) attribute this to?

I thought it could be:

an overall increase in problems within OSX (:eek:)

a lot of people saying that their unspported hardware was a "Problem"

An influx of OSX newbies from the public release, who are just asking lots of "old" questions...

Most of the Mac specialist have little or no idea what they are doing with Mac OS X. That means people are looking every where for help with problems large and small. When your usual Mac guru can't help you with the small things (because they know so little about the systems them selves), it sends may people running for help in forum like ours. Some of us have been working with this general systems for almost ten years and have been working with many of the developer releases and previews. With such limited info, this must look like a great place to go (vs. Classic forums which can only guess and seem to be having problem of their own with Mac OS X).:)
I think I like your take on this.....
Poswsibly the forum would benefit from a "fix my problem" area?
Where people looking to do some prob. solving can go and help people, rather than spreading their threads throughout the site.
I just wish more folks would direct their questions to better labled forums...

I've found questions and answers for Apache and PHP issues all over kingdom-Come, yet there is only 6 or post in that particular forum ;)
From what I can see, more than half of the REAL problems posted here are not known at Apple initially. God bless us all for trying. :)

I am just starting to use this forum. I am not only using it to post problems, but it was indeed a problem which sent me looking for an OS X Forum initially. I don't support people ignoring the forum topics and posting anywhere at all, but at the same time I believe nothing embodies the spirit of a forum more than a communal sense of support, which this forum gives to everyone. Seeing how many posts the two of you have made and assuming they were not useless, I must conclude that you feel the same way.

Some people are on the giving end, some on the recieving. Both is nice to expirience. Individual strenght obviously lies in different areas of daily life. The sharing of that knowledge and expirience makes a couple of strangers to a community, right?

Looking forward to learning and helping,
