free panther for g5'ers


macbidouille has this...

According to sources close to Apple (but nothing is confirmed), all G5 buyers, as well as people who bought one after the Apple Expo should entitled to get a free upgrade from Apple.

that would make my freakin day!

just thought you'd want to share in my speculative joy!
That would be awesome.

My G5, however, will come with Panther preinstalled, because it will be some time before I can afford one. :rolleyes:
That is no news. They said it already before G5s came to apple stores that you will be entitled to 10.3 if you buy a G5. The 10.3 should be out in october, so if you buy now a powerbook, even that should get the 10.3upgrade :)
My UltraBook G7 is going to come with Mac OS XII, 16 GB of RAM, a 5 Ghz processor, 2.5 TB of disk space, and a little 4" tall guy that dances on top of the lid when I close the book. So nyeah! :p :D
That is no news. They said it already before G5s came to apple stores that you will be entitled to 10.3 if you buy a G5.

i've heard a lot of people that aren't apple say that. no one in know of has found anything solid to back it up though.

i hear the ultrabook is on back-order until microsoft becomes cool. sorry bout your luck there.
I wonder if my G5 will have it preinstalled. I ordered August 19th and its supposed to ship on or before oct 30th (7 - 10 weeks).
When Jaguar was officially announced, some Macs delivered before the official day had update CDs along with the 10.1 installation CDs... So maybe current shipments will already have Panther CDs inside? :) :) :)