Freehand (et al) and MS Office font problems


Hi all, gotta small problem with Freehand (Illustrator, most anything) and MS Office fonts. Any ideas welcome.

Heres the story: I am helping a High School graphics lab with a font problem. They are using Freehand mostly, along with other graphics apps (BTW, I'm was a graphics pro for 12 years). Anyhow, when they use any MSO fonts (Tahoma, Arial, etc) in their apps, they can save fine, but when they try to reopen the files, it complains about missing the very MSO fonts used.

I see that the fonts are installed in ~/Library/Fonts directory. Is this a possible cause for the font problem? Is there a way to move them to /Library/Fonts with the rest? I have read MSO will piss and moan if the fonts are moved. True?

Any solutions?


Wes Yates