freeware able to open Pages documents


I have been sent a .pages document, but i don't have Pages. So I'm looking for a freeware application, or a free plug-in for another app that can open it. I have searched on Macupdate and Versiontracker, but haven't found a thing.

There isn't one. It is just a bundle with an xml file inside so if you just need some of the info you could look at that directly. However this is exactly parallel to running strings on a .doc file.
Pages is too new and does not have enough market penetration (yet) for anyone to have written an application such as you describe. However, I would place the responsibility back on your correspondent and ask that they export the document as a PDF, Microsoft Word compatible, HTML, Rich Text Format (RTF), or even an unformatted plain text file. All of which you should be able to open and read with some application on your computer.
Cool, didn't know about that xml file. That's what i needed, thanks! Perfessor: yep, i know, but the problem is that i sent the Pages file to myself. I forgot that i only have Pages at school, and not at home. :)
and if you (or anyone else) ever need the 'real' document: just let them export as PDF, RTF or MS Word Doc.