Freeware and Open Source


Are their any good websites in the Mac world that deals with freeware and Open Source software for Mac? That is one of the main reason that I use a PC, and have a hard time making the move is because I like my free legal software. Any help would be appreciated.

PC guy on fence about Mac!

Heeeey.. .there are a lot. Versiontracker is the best start. You'll find a LOT of freewares in all categories, net, images, office, etc etc.
And reviews of them - then just try.

And ... (office) * *- and (nearly as photoshop)
a LOT of unix imported stuff such as mutt, links, ... nearly anything that was in unix, and you can use (with a little work, once you'll get to the taste) many linux programs as well.
* needs X11 installed on the mac.

I think I couldn't do with a peecee all that I do (or like to do) with ny mac :D

And welcome on board ;)