From PC to MAC


Hi all
I'm new to mac world.
I'm plannig to leave the win/linux pc world and to get a new shining mac PowerG4. Since my pc was equipped with an ati radeon 9000 pro 128 MB and with a creative sound blaster audigy player, i would like to know if it would be possible to recycle these two expensive boards for the mac. I've heard about upgrading the flashes of the boards. Is it true? Is it explained somewhere?
They could work. But I think better sell them or change them to Mac compatible equivalents.

Benvenuto :)
Flashing the ATI card from PC to Mac is certainly possible. Here's something Google turned up: I know I've see other mentions of doing this elsewhere, but I'm struggling to find them @ the moment. I'll edit this post, or add to the thread if I do...

The Audigy, however, is not gonna work, as far as I know.
Thank u a lot for the answers.
I have been in the ati website and i found out that the rom update for radeon 9000 pro is not aviable, while is aviable that for radeon 8500. So i think it isn't possible to flash the 9000pro...
Is there a table for the hardware compatibility for the mac?
Just a thought, but what are you leaving in your PC? You won't be able to use it or sell it without sound and video. :)
If I keep the radeon (150 €) and the Audigy (100 €) I can buy a cheap video card (~20€) and a cheap audio card (~15€), put them in the pc and sell it!