FTP App that will upload to 2 places at the same time?


I'm awesome...seriously..
In doing web development we have a live server and a development server. When I make changes to a file I frequently need it to be uploaded to both the live server and development server. Is there some app that will upload to to different places at the same time?
Interarchy kind of fits this need.

You can have as many accounts open as you want in an ftp browser window. So you'd click one tab and drag the file, click the next tab and drag again.


To explain a little further... You use bookmarks and you can select more than one bookmark at a time. Double click or select open and they're opened simultaneously. Pretty painless.
You could create an AppleScript applet, which when files are dragged onto it, will utilize UNIX'es 'ftp' command for each account you want to transfer the files to. This way does have limitations.

You could create an AppleScrpt applet, which when files are dragged onto it, will utilize a third party FTP'er application (Fetch, Transmit, etc.) to send the files to multiple accounts. This way has many options.
I thought a little more about this and Interarchy will do exactly what you want in one go.

I use an auto upload folder, it's linked to a folder on the server. When I put a file in the local folder and then drag it to the Interarchy icon in the Dock it automatically starts Interarchy and uploads the file to the corresponding folder on the server. There's nothing to stop you (or me) from creating an auto upload to a different server linked to the same local folder. So one drag can initiate two uploads.

It also has mirrored folders which you can make bidirectional or unidirectional in either direction. You could achieve your purpose using a mirrored folder as well. Take care with mirroring though because if you delete a file in the local folder it will also delete the corresponding server file. That's exactly the way it should work but you need to think about what you are doing.