FTP + Firewall problem


I have an odd FTP problem. If I switch on the built in MacOS Firewall, my FTP client software gets stuck at "Listing files in directory...". I tried first with Cyberduck, and later with Transmit, but in both cases there was the same problem.
First I tought it was because I installed PureFTP on the server machine, but if I try on another machine, with a different connection to the internet, there is the same problem.

It looks like another port needs to be opened...

Any suggestions?
That's a good one. But there is me and 15 other users on my server. So that is quite impossible...
There should be a reason for this, and strangely enough, I experience it on 2 different machines with different connections to the internet.
I have the same issue. It appears that enabling FTP does not open ports 20 & 21 as it should. Anyone have a solution yet?
I solved it by opening few ports for passive mode in the firewall: port 40000 to 40999.

Than I defined the same ports in PureFTPd in Preferences > Settings > Passive Port Range

This works well for me now.

Ah, the firewall on the server, not the client. Yes, you'll need some additional holes in the firewall.
OK --- I fixed it this way:

1. If behind router, forward ports 20 and 21 to the computer you wish to use as FTP server.

2. With the MacOSX firewall turned "on" and FTP enabled, launch Terminal and:

[cpu:~] user% sudo ipfw add 5500 allow tcp from any to any 49152-65534 in

Quit Terminal

FTP now works, turning on and off properly with the System Prefs check box. It persists through restart.
