ftp problem


ok here's the problem. I can not use an ftp on my mac. I can connect to an ftp address but the problem is that I can see nothing. The software is surching files name and didn't stop searching. I'd looked for some info on the web, and try many things but nothing works. Yes I try the passive mode but this does not work.

Any idea

I'm on osX 10.2.5 and I try whit Fetch and golive ftp.

Have you made sure you have the correct username, password and other fields entered correctly? It's always a good idea to double check. That's what caught me out at first :D.

I used Fetch at first, but if you want an FTP uploader that better complements the aqua interface, uploads faster and looks all around better I definately recommend Transmit.

You can get it from here: http://wsidecar.apple.com/cgi-bin/n...9&platform=osx&method=sa/Transmit 2.3.sit.bin

Hope this helps :D. After getting Transmit I put Fetch straight into the trash. One word: wonderful!
Yes I'm sure.
I did try many times. My friend try it with the same infos and it works, but his on PC. As I sais I can access the ftp, the problem is the software is searching and searching without stopping. It search for the files name list. So the problem is not the software cause it does the samething with Fetch and Golive.

Any idea
It can be a firewall issue, test if you can activate "passive mode" for the ftp connection.