FTP questions



This will probably seen like an easy question, but I'm new to Mac's and unix, and thinking on my own isn't my strong point....so I can't quite figure it out.

I've set up my computer to allow ftp access, and i setup a user, and added them to the ftpchroot file in /etc.

So now they only have access to their home directory and that works all fine and dandy. However... what I would like to do is... set it up so that if I, for example, download a music file to a folder in my home directory... i'd like the OTHER user to have an alias (or something of the sort) to that folder in their directory, so that when the contents of one folder changes for one user it changes for both.

This must be a very easy thing... like changes the privledges on certain folders or something...

Thanks for any tips in advance.
Welcome to MacOSX.com, Angela.

I think what you want in the directory they can access is a symbolic link. To them, it would look just like a directory, and they would be able to change into that directory if the permissions are set correctly.

Forgive me if the directions I provide seem overly simple. I don't know your skill level, so I will assume that it's minimal.

To make the link (there may be others who know an easier way to do this, but this is what I know so this is what I am posting :) ):
- Go into Terminal, which is in Applications/Utilities directory
- Change to the directory that they can access. If you're not familiar with Unix, an easy way to do this is type "cd " (there is an intentional trailing space there, don't type the quotes in any command I specify). Then in a Finder window, find the folder you want. Drag that folder onto the Terminal window. What you will end up with is the command "cd /The/Full/Path/To/That/Folder". Press enter.
- Type "ln -s " (similar trailing space) and drag the folder you want to share into the Terminal window. Press Enter.

Now you have a link that looks and acts just like a folder (uh, folder is the same as directory, just so you're not confused. :) ) You need to make sure that they can get into that folder.

To check your permissions for the folder:
- Find the folder that you want to share in the Finder
- Highlight it, then choose Get Info from the File menu.
- Change the drop down box from "General Information" to "Privileges"
So now the tricky part. You can set the folder to have Read permissions for Everyone, which would mean that they can't write or delete files from the folder. Or you can set it to Read/Write for Everyone, and they could do whatever they wanted to that folder. The Group permissions only apply if the user is in the same user group tht you are. How do you find out, you ask? Go back into the Terminal, type in "id". You'll see a response which has, among other things, "groups=20(staff)" (or something like that). Then type "id the_username_of_the_ftp_user_goes_here" and compare. If they are the same, you can use the Group permissions in the Get Info window.

Gah. Long post. I didn't think that there were so many details!

If something isn't clear, or you have more questions, feel free to reply and I or someone else will try to help you...
Thanks for your reply.

I tried your suggestion, but it kind of led me to the same place I was at the first time I tried.

When I ftp into that users account, the folder I created (called FTP Share), just shows up as a file, not as a directory. Even with all the privledges enabled as read/write for Owner, Group and Everyone.

I don't know. Maybe I set this up wrong to begin with. Or maybe I'm just overcomplicating things. I guess what I could do is just setup my programs to automatically download mp3's for example, to the public folder in that users directory. Since I've already given myself full rights to all the folders in that account.
