FTP software ?



Is there some Carbon-ftp-software for MacOS X ?
I know, Eplorer does a little bit file transfer protocol but this is not very funny.

OS X comes with a Carbonized version of the venerable Fetch FTP client. Look in Applications/GrabBag. It ain't as pretty as Transmit but it's free and it's already on your disk...

You can also use your Terminal to ftp, it's extremely powerful, but quite difficult to get the hang of, once you have it, it is the best damn ftp client out there.

For help, at the prompt type "man ftp" without the quotes

[localhost:~] name% man ftp

You can do loads of things at the terminal - telnet too.

Gideon is supposed to be a good FTP, like Bulletproof on the PC side. I saw that a beta was up for X Server, but not for PB. May have to email the guy about this....
Hmm. I don't have a copy of Fetch in Applications/GrabBag, but that's okay. Transmit seems to work okay, but it's beta and has quit on me a few times -- of course, I expect that. This is all beta software. It's not supposed to work. :-)
is there any software that I can install on os x that will let me ftp in a secure inviroment.

I have just stopt telnet and have replaced it with ssh and I was wandering if I could do the same with ftp?

Well, if you're running SSH on both
ends, you can use scp (check the
man page.) I have my
OSX PB box (at home) set up to
allow ssh connections (telnet and FTP
are both off), and I send work home
from my office computer using scp
all the time.

For command line FTP, the PB also
includes ncftp, a very nice
ftp client. It has a few niceties
over the standard ftp client, such as
support for bookmarks and a nice
progress indicator.

Also, wget is included. wget can
retrieve files from both ftp
and http url's. I often use
it, in conjunction with the "at"
command, to grab a file from a
busy server during the wee
hours of the night.
yes but that is throught the command line. I am looking for a program that will do secure ftp form one machine (not running UNIX) and a unix box. I a novice so I woud need explicite details. I check out the man scp and it look like exactly what I want ot do but with an aprication that would make it a little more user friendly then the command line.


ftp works fine for GET'ing files. However, when I try and transfer anything greater than a few k to another system, ftp seems to hang.

When I try and use Transmit I get a PORT error on every system to which I try to connect.

This all happens when trying to do this over a PPP link. Don't know what happens when I try this over a local network connection.

Originally posted by foo

You can also use your Terminal to ftp, it's extremely powerful, but quite difficult to get the hang of, once you have it, it is the best damn ftp client out there.

For help, at the prompt type "man ftp" without the quotes

[localhost:~] name% man ftp

You can do loads of things at the terminal - telnet too.

I've had the same problem, with Fetch, ftp from the terminal, NetFinder, Transmit, and even my own ftp client I whipped up on the off chance that might work.

It appears to me that OS X has some real issues uploading large amounts of data over a PPP connection. I damn well hope that this is fixed very soon. Having to restart completely into OS 9 and wasting two phone calls just to upload 15k every now and again is extremely frustrating.
OS X also comes with ncftp, so stop telling people to use ftp |-)

Fetch can be found on versiontracker. The OS X version has a nice aqua progress wheel!
If you want a GUI interface to scp, you should try RBrowser. I forget who it's by, but it's on VersionTracker and such places.

The interface is very finder-like (the new finder that is), and it lets you treat the files like they're on your own computer. Double-click and it will open the file on your computer, hit command-S in your editor, and it will save the file back to the remote computer.

You can also just drag the file from a remote RBrowser window to a local one, or vice versa, to copy files between computers.
BTW it ought to be possible to make a mountable FTP server like you can mount AppleShare IP servers. How would that strike you?

Anarchie will be Carbonized I'm sure. It's written in pascal, but there are already (rather complicated) instructions how to compile pascal carbon apps.
I am using a 56K modem and have tried many ftp tools Fetch, iFTP, Tranmit (or Transit :) ) and a few others. My problem was their speed and also the amount of time I got on the free trial :). In the end, I have decided to support Rbrowser. It's a nice BETA <--- KEY WORD application that works fine if you are just trying to update a website or upload to a online auction.