ftp to a computer, to access a local ip


Hi, this might sound like an easy answer question, but I mainly work on windows computers (don't hate, don't hate) not really out of choice but budget. I love macs but I'm having this problem. Alright so I'm working with a lab with (to keep this simple) 2 servers and a ton of clients (All running osx). The two servers have their own local and live ips, and clients all local obviously, to get to the point.... I can ftp into the first server, I'll call it "X", however I am not allowed to host a website off it, the second server "Y" I'm allowed to host a live website off of, but port 21 is blocked on it for the live ip. Now both servers are locally networked, is there not a way that I can remotly ftp into "X" and then tell "X" to locally access files on "Y" where "Y" will host them.

If you don't want to read all of that I want to remotly ftp into an osx comptuer, I want that computer to locally have control over a directory on another osx machine that I'm unable to remotly ftp into.
I would ssh into X (if you have an account there) and then tell X to do whatever in Y (you need to have an account on Y as well).
Maybe telnet works too, which is actually not really secure.

Btw, welcome to the forum ;)
Hi, thanks for the help, and thanks for the welcome, although its not exactly what i was thinking of.
I know how I'd do this in windows, so I'll explain what im trying to do, and maybe you guys will know what im talking about. Btw I have full access to both of these computers.

On a windows machine, I would setup my ftp on X, on that ftp I would share the folder by going to network neighborhood, and sharing the directory as "\\Y\directoryIwantTOshare\" just as if it were a folder on the computer

now the guy at this place was trying to setup a shortcut? or um, I forgot what it was called, but in essence a shortcut to the folder over the network, but that didnt work, just like it wouldn't have worked in windows. I want to know if there's actually a way i can ftp into X and have that computer access a shared directory on y and share that on the ftp. As kind of like a workaround of having the ftp blocked on Y.
you are missing the point that ftp is disabled for a reason. it is not a secure thing to do in general. passwords are sent in clear text and that comprimises your security.

there are numerous ways to get around this, one of which you are obviously trying to do. another you might consider is setting up ftp on a port other than 21, but this puts you in the same security problem as before.

your best bet is to set up ssh and what not you you can use sftp, ssh, and/or scp . in fact this is exactly what most people should be suggesting.

if you don't know what these things are just post back, people here (including myself) will be more than happy to help you out.
The reasion the ftp is disabled is because of the isp (btw, blocks all ports that arent 80, that was my first idea) , not for security, the other server comptuer WITH ftp enabled is a different isp that allows ftp, but im unable to host a website off of it because that server is only used for storing data from the clients internal network. I talked to the person who runs these computers today about ssh, he said he didnt want to bother with it because there are others who he wants to have ftp access (specifically ftp) however he doesn't know how to do it, so latly everyone has been giving him cd roms with the data they want "uploaded" to the ftp blocked server. It's really a hassle for everyone at this point... you said there's actually a way to do it? I would be forever appreciative if anyone could help me
I hate to *bump* or anything, but I've been looking everywhere and no one seems to be able to know how to solve this problem... I will sell my soul if someone could answer this.
after rereading this it may be more complicated than i thought. 2 ideas.

your shortcut idea. did you try to mount X on Y and then create and alias to it (or at least the appropriate parts)?

how would the person who runs these things be able to allow ssh if 80 is the only open port? if he can do that, he can also allow ftp.