

Partially Insane
I have a Beige g3/233 desktop with a 10Mbps ethernet card.
The switch doesn't see it as full-duplex and when I transfer files from my PowerMac G4 to the beige, there are lots of packet collisions.

Is there a way to force the beige g3 to enter in full-duplex mode?

Thanx in advance,
the problem is with the hardware - the on-board eth adapter in beige g3's doesn't seem to support full duplex. On my network at work i have installed PCI 10/100 eth boards on these machines and since then i've had no problems (i used SMC9432, but SMC1244 should work just as well and it's much cheaper, around 10$). The collisions should have been taken care of by the switch, which doesn't seem to negociate very well between 10 and 100.