fullscreen KDE on os x

Racer D

I just installed KDE from fink, and xdarwin from binaries. I edited my ~/.xinitrc and ran XDarwin, selected fullscreen and it loaded KDE. all good. But with one glitch. The windows have no border around them, meaning I get no titlebar. When running rootless XDarwin uses OS X's aqua border/titlebar for windows, but in fullscreen it uses none? is there a way to get standard KDE titlebars?

I'm working on a linux distro, making KDE look good, so I really need KDE as it is, not mixed within aqua as with rootless mode

[ edit: tried with apple's X11 and this one renders OS X's titlebars even in fullscreen ]
got it to work :)

I copied /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc
then I commentd out the lines "xtrem &" and "exec quartz-wm" (to prevent apple's window manager from starting)
and added the lines "exec /sw/bin/kwin &" and "exec /sw/bin/startkde" to the file.

Now I can start KDE simply by opening apple's X11 (it's set to run in fullscreen)