Fun Forum Activity #3


"I've decided on a topic, you look at the topic and draw/create whatever comes to mind and then post it here! You can post as many times as you want with as many works as you want.

Only rules are: anything posted here MUST be related to the topic at hand, and whatever you post MUST be your own creation. Remember: this is not a contest, have fun with it"

Topic: "Useless Robots!"

Now get started!
I made this a while's a robot that sits and talks with you I guess. :D


  • robot.jpg
    44.3 KB · Views: 27
Made, as usual, completely in Photoshop.


  • partybot.jpg
    89.4 KB · Views: 23
One more week for the Fun Forum Activity idea, if it keeps going downhill I'm just going to discontinue it. ;)
Hmm, I guess I could live with that. The problem is that no one has a sense of community here. It's mostly the regulars who post to stuff like this, most people just come here, ask a question and leave when they get their answer. Kinda sux.
They're "off-the-wall" to get you thinking. And remember...the point of these activities is so artists can increase their skills and they're also for times when you're bored.
Just a quick question - in photoshop is there some kind of ruler that will let you take a rectangle you made with the rectangle tool and resize it? Any way to do this? I just got a copy of PS 7 from school and am a complete newbie, haven't been able to figure it out for myself.
Also - anyone have a good PS basic's tutorial? The only tutorials I've seen are how to make flames, and I can't even make a good rectangle ;^)
I agree with Darkshadow...the original post should be 'Useless Topics'...while I understand the intent is to inspire creativity, it seems to me like Trip designs these for himself, then throws it out for others to post so it can be trashed.
Actually mseydel I do not think up these topics for myself. Anything that I do for the topics is FOR the topics alone. This week was an exception, I had something done before the actual topic began. But in past activities I was just like everybody else: designing something whenever I got bored that related to the topic at hand.

Thanks anyway guys. It was fun while it lasted.
Why not simply combine all 3 fun forum threads into 1 and rename it "Fun Forum Activities" and make it topicless and make the point of it to post stuff if one feels inspired?
Go ahead arden, sounds cool to me and I'd be more than happy to participate. The fun forum activity idea has gone to hell, hopefully yours won't too. :)
Well, Mr. Mod, because I don't have sufficient priveleges. Why don't you combine the threads, etc.?
Hey...I didn't say any of what mseydel was saying. How the heck do you get that out of what I actually said?

I don't think these are useless topics, just a bit strange. It's sometimes hard to shift gears into that mode in a short time (and you've changed the topic pretty quickly, Trip).