Fusion between BMG and Warner?


Vers une fusion BMG/Warner Music (presse)

(AOF) - Des négociations avancées auraient eu lieu entre le groupe Bertelsmann et AOL Time Warner (NYSE: AOL
- actualité) en vue de la fusion de leurs activités respectives dans la musique, BMG et Warner Music, selon le
"Financial Times". Cette fusion à parité donnerait naissance au numéro deux mondial derrière Universal Music
Group, qui a annoncé hier une forte baisse de son activité au premier semestre. Un nouveau signe de la mauvaise
santé du secteur. Selon le "FT", BMG aurait déjà pris contact avec la Commission européenne et Warner Music
devrait le faire cette semaine.

Les deux sociétés discutent actuellement des problèmes de concurrence que cette fusion pourrait provoquer et qui
avaient bloqué les fusions entre Warner et EMI et entre EMI et BMG.
links: fr.biz.yahoo.com/030801/27/3btgz.html
Heading towards a BMG/Warner Music merger (in a hurry).

(AOF) - advanced negotiations would have taken place (believe this should be 'have begun') between the group Bertelsmann and AOL Time Warner (NYSE: AOL - current event) regarding the merger of their respective activities in the music, BMG and Warner Music, according to the "Financial Times". This merger to parity would give birth to the number two world-wide one behind Universal Music Group, that announced yesterday a strong decrease of his activity to the first part of the year. A new sign of the bad health of the sector. According to the "FT", BMG already would have contacted the European Commission and Warner Music should do it this week.

The two corporations discuss currently competition problems that this merger could provoke and that had blocked the mergers between Warner and EMI and between EMI and BMG. links: fr.biz.yahoo.com/030801/27/3btgz.html
This could be a very bad sign, especially if it becomes trendy. Imagine if all 5 Big Labels merged into 1: goodbye any rights you had left concerning music, hello Microsoft-like service.

Thanks for the translation, even if it's not perfect.