OK, I admit it, I'm a fan-boy. What do you think?
voice- Registered Jun 20, 2002 #1 OK, I admit it, I'm a fan-boy. What do you think? Attachments winxpdummy.jpg 84.9 KB · Views: 66
evildan Super Moderator Jun 20, 2002 #4 Very interesting... poor little dummy kid... kind of makes you want to use XP so other little dummy kids will be safe. "Will somebody please think of the little dummy kids!?!"
Very interesting... poor little dummy kid... kind of makes you want to use XP so other little dummy kids will be safe. "Will somebody please think of the little dummy kids!?!"
voice- Registered Jun 20, 2002 #5 xoot - yes they would, it looks like what Apple is doing, so of course they will...just with a Luna look Guess what I just thought of right now...I just gave "Windows XP for Dummies" a new meaning
xoot - yes they would, it looks like what Apple is doing, so of course they will...just with a Luna look Guess what I just thought of right now...I just gave "Windows XP for Dummies" a new meaning
xoot Got xoot? Jun 20, 2002 #6 Hmmm... but you still didn't give "Idiots Guide to Windows XP" a new meaning.