G3 laptop shuts down unexpectedly


When I visit some websites all of a sudden a ghostly window (the screen gets dull and three or four paragraphs in different languages show up) appears saying: "shut down your computer, keep your finger on button if you want to restart it..." well, something along those lines. the cursor is gone and I just shut it down. It happened with Home depot website and now is happening with aol.
What is it?
Thanks for any answer.
you're having a kernel panic. This is usually caused by bad RAM. If you have a chip installed under the airport card, uninstall it and see if it clears up the issue. In the following order, I usually troubleshoot kernel panics in this fashion. RAM, Airport, System (OS), Hard Drive, Logic Board. The iBooks come with a RAM chip soldered to the Logic Board, so that could also be an issue. It's not worth the repair if that is the case though.