G4-12" Powerbook Overtaxing the motherboard?


In the last 2-3 months I have found that my PowerBook when doing any type of taxing activity on the processor seems to start the fan running at a high rate and if continued it shuts down. It does not shut off it seems that the hard drive stops, the screen goes blank and I can not bring it back to life by any key on the keyboard, the mouse pad or mouse key. The only way I can bring it back to life is to tap the power button. When doing that it comes back as it left but if taxed again too much the shut down repeats itself.

Does any one have an idea what this could be? I have an idea that it may be the logic board. If so, without AppleCare what is an estimate of its repair costs to be?

Thanks for your help.
That sounds like failing hardware to me. You may want to look for an app that increases your fan speed.

It could be a bad fan, or, more likely, a bad component on the logic board. You may want to have it checked out before buying anything. I've repaired a 1 GHz Titanium logic board with a $300 replacement.