G4/Geforce2 10.1.3 to 10.1.5 resolution problem


So I went from my old stable 10.1.2 to 10.1.5 thinking: this is brand new? I had problems with resolutions back in 10.1.3 (and so did a lot of other people). So I assume that somehow, this is fixed, but it's not.....

So again, stuck in 10.1.5 with 640x480/800x600/1024x768 all in either 60hz or 75hz. I usually run in 1600x1200. WHY MUST I CONTINUE GOING BACK TO 10.1.2 ALL THE TIME?! This problem really bothers me, because there's no good way of de-updating the system, leaving me with lost prefs and other files every time I reinstall.

I've tried root user, zapping PRAM, editing the resolution in pref file with text editor, creating a fresh new user and logging in as it...nothing works, display still has a 1024x max.

Does installing old GF2 drivers/files work? Where can I get these? (no I don't have a backup). Help much appriciated.

Setup: G4-350 AGP, GF2 MX400
I have the same problem in 10.1.5. My GeForce2 MX drivers are totally screwed up now. In the recommended resolutions, only 800x600 is enabled. Changing resolutions in the non-recommended list leave window pieces around the screen. If I am correct that the drivers are in /System/Library/Extensions, the three GeForce2MX ones, they are 1.1.16. I have no idea what 10.1.4's were, but they were fine. No clue how to get hold of them.