G5 Superdrive not recognizing CDs


I have a 2-month old G5 2.3 ghz Macintosh.

A couple weeks ago, after using Apple's WaveBuner software, my Superdrive died--sort of. It will not recognize CDs. I can see the drive in the System profiler and in iTunes (under the burn settings), and I can open and close the drive door with not problem. But no CDs ever show up on the desktop. And I when I try to burn a CD from iTunes or the finder, it tells me it's starting to burn and then it just stops.

PLUS, I hooked up my olde Que! Fire Firewire CD burner to the G5, and the same thing happens. I can see the drive in the System Profiler, but I can't use it.

This makes me think I'm having a software problem. I can take this thing up to the Apple Store since it's still under it's Apple Care time, but I'd rather fix it at home.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it.