G5 vs Mac Pro?


Hi -

Graphic designer looking for opinions on the G5 vs Mac Pro for work environment, networked with another G5 (3 years old) and G4 (don't ask!).
We regularly work on files in the 200-400 MB range (300 dpi images that are typically 18"v x 54"h). Speed is important. I heard the 24" iMac was an option, but heard it had cooling problems when a lot is demanded of it. We demand a lot - need a real rock solid dependable performer.

Any ideas?

Personally, I would say go for the Mac Pro. The G5 is pretty much on its way out even though it still can hold its own. Remember that the Mac Pro can support 16 GB of RAM which is a lot of room for demanding applications. Also remember that you're talking about two dual-core Xeon processors that are based on the same technology as Core 2 Duo, so you're also getting two efficient, super-fast server/workstation-class processors with dual cores. Definitely tops the Power Mac G5 if you ask me.
I agree that the Xeon machine is way ahead of the G5, but the G5 still is the better choice with the not-yet-native Adobe apps. I forget right now when they're going to be universal, but that should definitely be a prevalent thought the mind of any graphic arts department.

You should first compare just how much speed you're going to lose through emulation with the Xeon and decide whether or not taking the more advanced jump is worth it for the next couple months.
the native Universal/Intel Adobe CS3 is projected to come out Q1 or Q2 2007.

The G5's are slower physically than the Dual Xeons by a long way. Having said that, current pro apps made by Adobe (Photoshop, Flash etc) have to run under emulation, until CS3 is released). i would buy Mac Pro, which will be faster than your G3/4's, but slower than latest G5's but then upgrade to CS3 asap, and find your Mac Pro's trouncing G5's without much effort. Mac Pro 3.0ghz is nearly 2x as fast as 2.5ghz G5, physically.

Thanks guys - I think maybe we'll wait 6 months for CS3 to come out and then upgrade to the MacPro. Nothing worse than having to wait a couple seconds for the display to catch up with you. ;)
I would take the G5, since not all apps are fully universal yet, but if you can wait for apps to go Universal, then get the Mac Pro.
Going PowerMac G5 now, I think, is a bad idea. Rather go with something older for the time being and investing into Mac Pro when all apps you need are universal. Btw.: Most apps work quite fine in Rosetta for the time being.
Going PowerMac G5 now, I think, is a bad idea. Rather go with something older for the time being and investing into Mac Pro when all apps you need are universal.

The only reason I wrote that was because actually, even though I own a MacBook and love it, I like the PPC Apples MUCH better than the Intel ones. Even though they're fast etc. they're just getting more like Windows. First they can run Windows using Virtual PC, now they even use the same proccessor which allows parellels and those things. Thats why I like everything between the first iMac and the PowerMac G5 more than the Intel's now because they're more Apple Style sort of... does what I said make any sense? I'm getting really tired now because it was a long day for me so it might just sound weird...

PS: Fryke, are you Swiss, do you speak German fluently?
So the new Macs have Intel processors now......and?? You're still running OS X....isn't that what's important? And the hardware is still (for the most part) the same quality that Apple has always been known for. The only difference is that now you have the ability to run Windows if need be natively as opposed to having it in a slow emulated environment. That doesn't mean that you have to run Windows if you don't want to..just stick with OS X.

I love the PPC just like you do but if the Intel chips can smoke the PPC chips on the Mac I say give me Intel or give me death! ;) A well designed CPU is better no matter who makes it.
Yes, I speak German fluently, and I'm Swiss... Btw.: Moving the thread to a better place.
Incidentally, and I know this thread is a few weeks old, but benchmarks on the web have shown the 3 GHz Mac Pro to hold its own with **emulated apps**, specifically Photoshop. Yes, the 3 GHz Mac Pro is roughly the same speed as a quad-G5 when running Photoshop. (And much faster on native apps, of course.)

G5's are dead.

And CS3 is nearer every week. :) ... I'm really looking forward to the time when I can work with native apps completely again. :)
adobe are going to be very, very rich when CS3 arrives. they won';t have much trouble cinvincing people to upgrade, after all...

with all the software companies that Adobe has bought within the last 2 years, it'll also be interesting to see just how much CS3 will evolve...