

The Late: SuperMacMod
I have X11 installed. Completely now to this Unix stuff, have no idea of what I'm doing.
managed to get OpenOffice, Gimp and XChat installed. All working fine.

Would like to install Gaim;

But haven't been able to figure out how.
Any help appreciated. Would have to be instructions for a dummie.
I may be stating the obvious, however "fink install gaim" doesn't work? According to fink's database it has the most current version of gaim. This is coming from someone who hasn't even gotten his powerbook yet, although I do use gaim on my freebsd box.
nickn, Fink and X11 are two different things. :)

bobw, what does Gaim have that Adium lacks? :-/
Gaim has awesome buddy pounce capibilites, but I wouldn't use it on top of Aqua. Adium is better integrated.

I have gaim installed on my computer and it's possible I enabled unstable packages. I don't remember. I know I installed it through fink tho.
bob, how about trying simply Adium in X? I guess Gaim's nice because it steals less ram and you can customise it better than e.g. iChat or Fire - but what would that give you that Adium doesn't directly in X?
Gia, I like Fire in X, been using it since it came out, have no problems with that. I've just been playing with X11, got a few things installed and working ok, Gimp, OpenOffice and X-Chat. Have been trying to get Gaim installed and haven't been able to.