
It is unlikely that the Mac will have more games than PCs in the near future. The gap between the amount of games available between the two platforms might narrow in the future, but in the foreseeable future, the PC will be the leader in this area.

This is mainly because most game development houses use DirectX - application programming interfaces developed for Windows by Microsoft. Microsoft does not port these APIs to other platforms, and games written with these APIs are very difficult to be ported to other platforms.

There are some open-source projects going on right now that would try to wrap these APIs and map them to cross platform equivalents (such as OpenGL), but these are bleeding edge projects, and it'll take time before they're ready for primetime, and then we'll have to see if programmers would embrace them.

However, Apple does have pretty good foundation for gaming in OS X right now, with its implementation of OpenGL.

I suggest getting a console system if you want to play games. There will always be more console games than Windows and Mac games combined.
Originally posted by dricci
There will always be more console games than Windows and Mac games combined.

I disagree with that statement. Have you seen just how many PC game there is in total?? Last i checked it was clocking on 10,000... thats not including the number of console enulators that avaliable on the PC.

With the recent arrival of Mac OS X, porting PC games to the Mac haven't been easier. For instance the actual code difference between Quake3Arena for the Mac and the PC is only 25k. As for UT.. it's more like 255K

Hold on to your horses... Mac OS X games are appearing slowly. Many software houses are trying there best to port PC games to the Mac... You have to remember Mac don't use Direct X, so they have to create a work round for this and the User base for Macs need to increase to make it all worth while.

Return to Castle Wolfenstain is in final Beta state now, and should be in the shop soon. :) Check out apple's web site for a list of fourth coming attractions or check the link:
Originally posted by dricci
I suggest getting a console system if you want to play games. There will always be more console games than Windows and Mac games combined.

The kinds of games that are developed for PCs and consoles are usually quite different. Although both platforms have similar genres (i.e. RPGs), but their implmentations are quite different and each plays to its own stengths. Also, online playing is simply not there in consoles. We are still waiting for the build out of networks by the major players (Sony, MS, and Nintendo), but online play is readily available on PCs. Furthermore, until we know the details, it's safe to assume that online play would be cheaper on the PC, if console makers try to lock you into their own ISPs.
