

Hello Everyone,

after having burnt my garageband songs on CD, I get the impression that the songs are replayed faster on the normal audio CD player than originally planned.
I understand that some multitrack-songs are delayed when replayed or recorded in Garageband, but that "slow down" effect is still present in the exported files (no matter if WAV or MP3).
Therefore, I re-adjusted the BPM in Garageband to compensate the delay that occurs inside Garageband (and when exporting) , but now the songs seem much to fast when played on audio cd player. Did I miss something? Please help!
Garageband 3, iMAC G5 1,8 Ghz
I guess the bpm you set in GarageBand is the actual bpm you'll have on the final CD as well as the MP3 created for iTunes (if checked)... At least that's what I'd _expect_ the application to aim for. Also, it shouldn't slow down while playing/recording in GarageBand.